Download the Catalog of educational materials from the International Plant Nutrition Institute. The catalog is complete with order forms and instructions on ordering from IPNI.
Phosphorus in Brazilian Agriculture
Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Phosphorus in Agriculture held in 2003.
Read NowPlant Food Uptake Pocket Cards
Handy, pocket-size cards list nutrient needs of crops at various yield levels and the amounts removed in crop harvest. Indicate your choice by region. (North America)
How to OrderPlant Nutrient Use in North American Agriculture (Producing Food and Fiber; Preserving the Environment; Integrating Organic and Inorganic Sources)
This download contains a pdf of the report, a PowerPoint of most figures, and Excel worksheets.
Visit StorePlant Nutrition Today
Read NowPlants Also Need Proper Nutrition (Poster)
Reprinted from the center pages of the booklet titled There's WHAT in My Food? This 18 x 24-inch poster can help educate and entertain your audience. Printed on glossy paper, the poster shows and tells examples of how important proper nutrition is for producing quality foods and crops. Place it on an exhibit, a wall, or a counter... children as well as adults will look and read.
Read NowVisit StorePower Point Slide Set: 4R Plant Nutrition Manual
This slide set is comprised of nine chapters that correspond with the 4R Plant Nutrition Manual. Approximately 260 slides in total.
Visit StorePower Point Slide Set: Fertilizer BMPs for Cotton in the Midsouth and Southeast
This download contains a PowerPoint presentation. (27 slides with notes pages)
Visit StorePower Point Slide Set: Fertilizer Technology
This series of four presentations discuss mining, production, and related technology required for making fertilizers. Each presentation includes extensive speaker notes to supplement the slides. Each presentation has 40 to 50 slides (171 slides total).
Visit StorePower Point Slide Set: International Soil Fertility Manual
This download contains PowerPoint presentations for all 10 chapters of the International Soil Fertility Manual. Approximately 320 slides.
Visit StorePower Point Slide Set: Soil Acidity Evaluation and Management
This download contains a PowerPoint presentation (30 slides with speaker’s notes). The presentation is designed as a supplementary resource for the booklet.
Visit StorePower Point Slide Set: Soil Fertility Manual
The Soil Fertility Manual PowerPoint slide sets for all 11 chapters are included on this CD. This set is very useful for teaching situations. Approximately 350 color slides.
Visit StorePreparing for the International Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) Exam
The Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) Exam is based on performance objectives which can be thought of as areas of expertise that a CCA should possess. This manual is an excellent study guide for use while preparing for the International CCA Exam. 157 pages. 8.5 x 11 inches.
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