

Download the Catalog of educational materials from the International Plant Nutrition Institute. The catalog is complete with order forms and instructions on ordering from IPNI.


Essential Nutrients 5-piece Poster Set

Four new colorful 18 x 24-inch posters printed on glossy paper illustrating the foods we need to eat to provide our bodies with N,P, K and S are now available (can only be purchased as a set). In addition, receive the "Plants Need Proper Nutrition" poster when you order this set. These posters are a great addition to any classroom to spark discussions on healthy eating habits.

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Grass and Legume Posters

The authors of Southern Forages have created two full-color posters: 1) Forage Legumes and 2) Forage Grasses. Each poster includes 30 photos with seed drawings and descriptions. Appropriate for classrooms, dealerships, seed stores, or on the farm. 24 x 30 in. Note: There is an increase in shipping costs if sent in a tube rather than folded. Please specify when ordering.

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Oil Palm Series - Poster: Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms in Oil Palm

Poster with pictures for the identification of nutrient deficiency symptoms in oil palm including brief descriptions of likely environments in which they occur.

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Plants Also Need Proper Nutrition (Poster)

Reprinted from the center pages of the booklet titled There's WHAT in My Food? This 18 x 24-inch poster can help educate and entertain your audience. Printed on glossy paper, the poster shows and tells examples of how important proper nutrition is for producing quality foods and crops. Place it on an exhibit, a wall, or a counter... children as well as adults will look and read.

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Rice Series - Poster: Nutrient Disorders in Rice

Poster with pictures for the identification of nutrient deficiency symptoms in rice including brief descriptions of likely environments in which they occur.

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