List Grid
Cassava Response to Fertilizer Application

Lovely Luar, Mirasol Pampolino, Apolonio Ocampo, Arnold Valdez, Dale Francis Cordora, and Thomas Oberthür

Nutrient Uptake and Distribution in Black Pepper

Nerrisa Paduit, Mirasol Pampolino, Tin Maung Aye, and Thomas Oberthür

Phosphorus Placement for Annual Crops in the Tropics

Luís Prochnow, Álvaro Resende, Adilson Junior, Eros Francisco, Valter Casarin, and Paulo Pavinato

Webinar Internacional - Uma análise do balanço de nutrientes na agricultura brasileira

O balanço de nutrientes possibilita uma estimativa das entradas e saídas de nutrientes em um sistema de produção agrícola. O IPNI Brasil organiza este balanço a nível nacional, estadual e por culturas ...

Nutrition Review for 2018 and Lessons for 2019

GRDC Nutrition Community of Practice

Vídeo do Webinar IPNI Brasil de Extensão: Calagem em Sistema Plantio Direto de Acordo com o Conceito 4C

O sistema plantio direto tem se destacado como uma das estratégias mais eficazes para melhorar a sustentabilidade da agricultura em regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Os solos brasileiros são, em sua m ...

ASA Meeting 2018

Dr. Eros Francisco participou do ASA Meeting 2018 em Baltimore, EUA. Dr. Francisco apresentou dois trabalhos (i) Uso adequado de nutrientes em pastagens para ajudar a mitigar o desmatamento no Brasil ...

IPNI Promove Dois Webinars com Tema sobre Fósforo

Dr. Luis Prochnow, apresentou dois webinars sendo (1) “Phosphorus placement for annual crops in the tropics” e (2) “Some myths and facts about the use of phosphorus in agriculture”, assista aos vídeos ...

Resultados de la Campaña 2017/18: Soja de segunda - Establishing a Plant Nutrition Network for the CREA Region in Southern Santa Fé

En la campaña 2017/18, la región Sur de Santa Fe del movimiento CREA, con la colaboración de IPNI Cono Sur y el auspicio de Nutrien Ag Solutions, continúo la Red de Ensayos de Nutrición de Cultivos in ...



Cerrando brechas de rendimiento con manejo de nutrientes

Presentación realizada en las Jornada de Actualización Técnica organizada por AIANBA en Pergamino (Buenos Aires) el 4 de Octubre de 2018.

Los 4Rs para una fertilización balanceada de maiz y soja

Presentación realizada en las Jornadas organizadas por ACA y Mosaic en Justiniano Posse y Los Cóndores (Córdoba) el 2 y 3 de Octubre de 2018.

Manual del Cultivo de Trigo - Ahora disponible en la web!!!

En 2017, IPNI edito el "Manual del Cultivo de Trigo", cuyos compiladores y editores son el Dr. Guillermo Divito y el Dr. Fernando O. García y que incluye la participación de 30 destacados profesionale ...

Lançamento IPNI Brasil do Livro Requisitos de Qualidade dos Fertilizantes Minerais

Este livro trata da qualidade dos fertilizantes minerais, tema que, na prática, suscita dúvidas e questões diversas nos consumidores e produtores, tais como: Porque uma mistura empedra e outra não? Po ...

Project Description - Evaluation of the response of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) to nitrogen fertilization in farmers' fields in the Central Area of the Department of Santa Cruz (Bolivia)

Evaluation of the response of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L. ) to nitrogen fertilization in farmers' fields in the Central Area of the Department of Santa Cruz (Bolivia) INSTITUTION Centro de Inv ...

Palestra "Some Myths and Facts about the Use of Phosphorus in Agriculture"

Dr. Luís Prochnow, proferiu a palestra "Some Myths and Facts about the Use of Phosphorus in Agriculture" durante o 2018 Sustainable Phosphorus Summit realizado em Brasília. Dr. Prochnow abordou sete p ...

Palestra "Phosphorus Placement for Annual Crops in the Tropics"

Dr. Luís Prochnow, proferiu a palestra "Phosphorus Placement for Annual Crops in the Tropics" durante o WCSS realizado no Rio de Janeiro. Dr. Prochnow resume aspectos agronômicos e ambientais sobre a ...

Balances y eficiencia de uso de nutrientes en cultivos de grano en Argentina

Presentación realizada en XXI Congreso Mundial de la Ciencia del Suelo realizado en Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) el 16 de agosto de 2018.

Nutrición de cultivos: Mas allá de la próxima cosecha

Presentación realizada en la 4a Jornada Provincial de Suelos organizada por el Colegio de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Cordoba en Bell Ville (Córdoba) el 5 de Julio de 2018.

Resultados de la Campaña 2017/18: Trigo - Establishing a Plant Nutrition Network for the CREA Region in Southern Santa Fé

En este informe se reportan los resultados observados en cinco ensayos de trigo en 2017/18, dos bajo rotación maíz-trigo/soja de segunda (M-T/Sj) y tres bajo rotación maíz-soja-trigo/soja de segunda ( ...

Sistema de Produção Pecuária e Uso de Nutrientes em Pastagens

O IPNI Brasil organizou um evento, em âmbito nacional, sobre o uso de nutrientes em pastagens. Realizado em Cuiabá, o evento reuniu 234 participantes (agricultores, consultores e pesquisadores) proven ...

IPNI Releases New OIL PALM 4R SERIES Pocket Guides to Help Improve Oil Palm Management

June 14, 2018. Penang, Malaysia – The International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) has just published four new pocket guides to help farmers/plantation managers acquire essential knowledge for the i ...

Oil Palm 4R Series: Pocket Guides

Leaf Sampling Unit | Soil Sampling | Plant Sampling | Growth Measurements

II Simpósio de Nutrição de Plantas no Cerrado

Dr. Eros Francisco ministrou a palestra "Eficiência de uso de nutrientes" no II Simpósio de Nutrição de Plantas no Cerrado, realizado em Goiânia-GO entre os dias 1 e 4 de maio.

Evento IPNI Brasil sobre as Boas Práticas do Uso Eficiente de Fertilizantes em Pastagens na Pecuária do Futuro – Global Pecus

Foi realizado de 9 a 10 de maio em Cuiabá-MT, o evento Global Pecus – Pecuária do Futuro. Sendo uma instituição dedicada ao manejo e uso responsável e eficiente dos nutrientes das plantas, consideramo ...

Fertilidad de cereales de invierno

Presentación realizada en la jornada organizada por CRIATA y la CEI Barrow (INTA-MA Buenos Aires) en Tres Arroyos (Buenos Aires) el 3 de Mayo de 2018.

Manejo nutricional de trigo para rendimiento y calidad

Presentación realizada en el Taller de Trigo organizado por Agrofive Consultores en Venado Tuerto (Santa Fe) el 24 de Abril de 2018.

Princípios para a Utilização Adequada dos Fertilizantes

Um artigo redigido pelo Dr. Luís Prochnow, foi publicado em vários meios de comunicação no Brasil. O artigo discute o manejo de nutrientes 4C, com exemplos aplicados à agricultura brasileira.

Nutrient Expert® Software Boosts Farm Profitability in Eastern Nepal

Balanced and adequate application of plant nutrients is essential to improve cereal productivity in the Terai region of Nepal. IPNI developed the Nutrient Expert® fertilizer decision support tool to q ...

Nutrient Expert® Software Boosts Farm Profitability in Eastern Nepal

Balanced and adequate application of plant nutrients is essential to improve cereal productivity in the Terai region of Nepal. IPNI developed the Nutrient Expert® fertilizer decision support tool to q ...

Potassium Fertilizer Research is Reviving Potato Production in China

China is the largest global potato producer and Inner Mongolia (IMAR) is one of the country’s major potato-growing regions. Without proper K fertilization, a reduction in potato yield, quality, and fa ...

Potassium Fertilizer Research is Reviving Potato Production in China

China is the largest global potato producer and Inner Mongolia (IMAR) is one of the country’s major potato-growing regions. Without proper K fertilization, a reduction in potato yield, quality, and fa ...

Evaluation of the response of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) to nitrogen fertilization in farmers' fields in the Central Area of the Department of Santa Cruz (Bolivia)

The objective of this project is to increase productivity and sustainability of sugarcane cultivation in the department of Santa Cruz. Specific objectives are: i) Identify adequate nitrogen management ...

Actividades y Visión del IPNI

Presentación realizada en Encuentro Nacional de Productores Mineros con Consumidores del Sector Agropecuario organizada por la Secretaria de Minería en Buenos Aires (Argentina) el 22 de Noviembre de 2 ...

Participação no 43º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisas Cafeeiras

Dr. Valter Casarin, Diretor Adjunto IPNI Brasil, participou da 43ª Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisas Cafeeiras. O evento foi realizado no período de 07 a 10 de novembro de 2017, no Centro de Convençõe ...

Simpósio IPNI Brasil sobre Agricultura de Precisão como Ferramenta para Boas Práticas para Uso Eficiente de Fertilizantes

Realizado de 04 a 06 de outubro em Goiânia. O IPNI sendo uma instituição dedicada ao manejo e uso responsável e eficiente dos nutrientes das plantas, consideramos oportuno um evento que contemplasse o ...

Manejo sostenible de nutrientes en sistemas agrícolas - Mas alla de la proxima cosecha

Presentación realizada en el ciclo de Seminarios organizados por el Consejo Profesional de Ingeniería Agronómica (CPIA) en Buenos Aires el 7 de Noviembre de 2017.

Webinar do IPNI sobre Manejo de Nutrientes para a Soja

Dr. Eros Francisco, Diretor Adjunto do IPNI Brasil, apresentou o webinar "Manejo de Nutrientes para a Soja no Cerrado Brasileiro", o qual faz parte da Série de Webinars do IPNI.

Research with impact - Documenting the Need for Potassium in Uruguay - Exploration of Responses to Potassium in Western Uruguay

Agriculture in Uruguay initially developed in high potassium (K) soils, under conventional tillage and crop rotations that required no K fertilizer. The scenario changed during the last decades driven ...

Palestra no 70 Simpas

Dr. Luís I. Prochnow proferiu palestra no 70° SIMPAS (Sistemas Integrados de Manejo na Produção Agrícula Sustentável), promovido pela Abimaq, Andef, Anda, Abag, Abrasem e IPNI, e realizado nos dias 12 ...

Manuel 4R est disponible en langues française et en arabe

Télécharger votre copie du manuel 4R soit en version arabe ou française à partir du lien indiqué à la gauche de la page.

Manuel 4R est disponible en langues française et en arabe

Télécharger votre copie du manuel 4R soit en version arabe ou française à partir du lien indiqué à la gauche de la page.

Documenting the Need for Potassium in Uruguay

Agriculture in Uruguay initially developed in high potassium (K) soils, under conventional tillage and crop rotations that required no K fertilizer. The scenario changed during the last decades driven ...

Nutrient Use Efficiency and Effectiveness in Australia: Assessing Agronomic and Environmental Benefit

Dr. Robert Norton, IPNI Australia & New Zealand Director, August 2017

Calagem em café: a lenta evolução de uma prática dogmática

A maioria dos solos utilizados para plantio do café no Brasil apresenta, em geral, características químicas inadequadas para o pleno desenvolvimento das plantas. Dentre essas características, podem-se ...

Nutrient Expert®: Making Better Fertilizer Use Decisions

The preferred method for making fertilizer recommendations is to analyze soils to determine if an adequate nutrient supply exists to support healthy crop growth. However, most farmers in India lack kn ...

Conectando la nutrición de cultivos y el ambiente

Rob Mikkelsen en el Congreso Aapresid 2017.

IPNI and IJM Plantations Bhd Joint Training Course on Oil Palm 4R Nutrient Stewardship

IPNI has been engaged with the oil palm industry since the 1970s, supporting knowledge- and capacity-building. IPNI SEAP strengthens this support now with training. In July 2017, for the 1st time, IPN ...

Balance de nutrientes - El papel de la fertilización

Presentación realizada en el Curso Agricultura de FUNDACREA en Buenos Aires (Argentina) el 25 de Julio de 217.

Dia de Campo sobre Adubação de Pastagens

Dr. Eros Francisco ministrou palestra no Dia de Campo sobre adubação de pastagens realizado na Faz NS Aparecida em Jaciara, MT, dia 15 de julho. O evento foi organizado pela fazenda em parceria com as ...

In-season nutrient management - 2017

Presented at Manangatang Victoria GRDC Update


Rob Mikkelsen著, 谢玲 译 涂仕华 校 想要获得作物高产,良好的开端是关键。在其作物生长的早期阶段,幼苗特别容易受到多种环境和生物胁迫的影响。为了使作物免受环境胁迫和病害困扰,从播种到收获都必须保证均衡营养。随着我们对植物健康前沿研究的不断深入和了解,植株营养和抗病性之间的关键联系也更加清晰可见。本文可提供以下一些例证: 钾 钾在植物很多人们熟o.


Terry Wyciskalla著, 谢玲 译 涂仕华 校 磷素影响水质,而且是地表水富营养化的常见原因。水溶性磷随渗漏水进入水体,非水溶性磷则随侵蚀土粒离开地表进入水体。 磷素管理 1.


Dan Davidson著, 谢玲 译 涂仕华 校 大豆不仅需要氮素,而且量很大,因为大豆属于蛋白质作物,其蛋白质含氮达16%。近几十年来,我们一直都依赖大豆自身的固氮能力来满足其对氮素的需求。是的,大豆能固定很多氮,其余部分由土壤提供。但是,当大豆产量提高到4. 76-5.

Balanced Fertilization of Grain Crops in Egypt Can Double Yields

In Egypt, the application of mineral fertilizers is highly skewed towards nitrogen, which has led to the gradual depletion of other nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, and several micronutrients fol ...


Tom Bruulsema著, 谢玲 译 涂仕华 校 足迹可以讲故事。它可以追溯你曾经去过哪里。现在人们越来越多地使用碳和水的足迹来追溯气候变化及水源短缺历史。同时人们也引入了磷在食物中的足迹。足迹和效率都被用作农业可持续性的检验标准。但是它们既可能把人们弄糊涂,也可能让人们受到启迪。为了明白正确道理,我们必须懂得这些标准。 足迹可以描述资源消耗或是环境影 .

Palestra no II Simpósio de Ciência do Solo, na Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA)

Dr. Valter Casarin, participou como palestrante do II Simpósio de Ciência do Solo, na Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA). O evento realizado entre os dias 9 e 12 de maio. Confira a palestra!

Conceitos de Produtividade Agrícola e “Yield Gap”

O webinar abordou sobre yield gap, ou quebra de produtividade, que vem sendo amplamente abordado nos últimos anos em todo o mundo, bem como identificar as magnitudes e as principais causas dessas perd ...

Simposio Fertilidad 2017

Actas de las conferencias y posters presentados

Presentaciones en el IV Congreso Paraguayo de Ciencias Agrarias

Presentaciones realizadas en el IV Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Agrarias organizado por la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción del 19 al 21 Abril de 2017

Avaliação do modo de ação de fertilizantes e predição do desempenho agronômico e impacto ambiental

Neste webinar foram apresentadas algumas técnicas para avaliar o modo de ação de fertilizantes. As vantagens e as limitações destas ferramentas na predição do desempenho agronômico e do eventual impac ...

Fertcare Cane Presentations

Ayr, Bundaberg, Cairns, Ingham, Mackay, Proserpine.

IPNI Knowledge Dissemination (July 2017)

Oil Palm Course: 4R Nutrient Stewardship in Oil Palm (taking place in Sabah, Malaysia)



Crop residue burning and the loss of nutrients from fertilizers

Fate of topdressed fertilizers when stubbles are burned.

Improved Fertilization Boosts Olive Production in Morocco

Olives are one of the most important fruit crops in Morocco. The country’s fruit production has nearly doubled in the last ten years. But this higher production is mainly due to increased tree plantin ...

4R Phosphorus Management Practices for Major Commodity Crops of North America

Dr. Tom Bruulsema, IPNI Phosphorus Program Director, March, 2017

Frontiers of Potassium Science Conference Website

O site da Conferência Internacional "Fronteiras do Potássio" já está disponível com informações e palestras.

Overcoming Human Zinc Deficiencies with Proper Fertilization

Zinc (Zn) deficiency in human diets causes people to have many health complications, including impaired brain development, weakened immune systems, and stunted growth. Zinc deficiency is responsible f ...


大豆氮素:这是我们目前所知的 Source: ILSOYadvisor. com Article. www. ilsoy. org By Dan Davidson 伊利诺伊州,布卢明顿(2017年2月27日)― 大豆不仅需要氮素,而且需求量很大,因为大豆属于蛋白质作物,其蛋白质含氮达16%。近几十年来,我们一直都依赖大豆自身的固氮能力来满足其对氮素的需求。是的,大豆能固定很多氮,其余部分由土壤提供 ...


Terry Wyciskalla著, 谢玲 译 涂仕华 校 当人们谈论养分对水质危害时,氮和磷总是首当其冲。美国联邦饮水标准规定:饮用水中的NO3-N(N)含量的最高不能超过10mg/L。这些硝态氮必需通过城市水处理设备除去。因此,我们只能在爱荷华州、伊利湖(Erie Lake)和切萨皮克湾(Chesapeake Bay)地区能看到这一问题。 就磷来说,问题要难一些。首先,用于工业、农业及牲畜养殖 ...

4R Nutrient Management For Canola

Youtube video available

Las 4R del Manejo Responsable de Nutrientes para la conservación del suelo y la mitigación del cambio climático en el Cono Sur

Presentación realizada en la Conferencia Fertilizante Latino Americano organizada por CRU-Argus FMB en Buenos Aires el 25-27 de Enero de 2017.


Cliff Snyder著, 谢玲 译 涂仕华 校 我们有很多上了年纪的人可能还记得那些苦难的年代,父辈们日夜劳作,也只能从地里收回些许粮食;因为这些土地从祖父们开始,就一直管理不善。很多现代农民面对的是另外的问题,继承了过度或“休闲”土壤耕作的遗产,以及满足于最佳土壤肥力管理与实施最佳保护性耕作的遗产。现在无人耕种的土地面积比例很高,这使一个农民除了收║.

A Hora do Agronegócio, entrevista Dr. Luís Prochnow

Dr. Luís Prochnow, diretor do IPNI Brasil, fala a respeito do tema Segurança Alimentar e do grande desafio na produção dos alimentos nos próximos 40 anos.

Improving Coffee Crop Nutrition in Vietnam

The main objective of this project is to understand current crop nutrition practices in Coffee in Vietnam, with the aim to use the insights and develop based on them field trials that support and prom ...

Publication Development and Knowledge Sharing

This project engages scientific authors, consultants, service providers, and other partners to identify suitable collaborators for IPNI SEAP, and then establish partnerships that add value to research ...

Seed Project and Incubator Program

This is an incubator project that identifies and then tests new ideas for research and market development.

Effects of different potassium sources on yield, quality and net income of processing tomato

Case study Effects of different potassium sources on yield, quality and net income of processing tomato By Shihua Tu Processing tomato requires large quantity of K, more than N, to meet healthy growth ...

Vídeo: Atualidades sobre a Nutrição com Micronutrientes em Café

Webinar ocorrido em 14/12/2016 - Palestrante: Dr. Tiago Tezotto, UNIFEOB - São João da Boa Vista. Produzido pelo IPNI Brasil.

Journée sur la fertigation organisée conjointement par la chambre d'Agriculture de la region de Beni Mellal - Khenifra et IPNI North Africa

Dans le cadre de ses activités au Maroc, IPNI North Africa a organisé en collaboration avec la chambre d'agriculture de la region de Beni Mellal - Khenifra une journée sur la fertigation au profit des ...

Dinámica del nitrógeno en sistemas agrícolas

Presentación realizada en el Simposio Fertiliza 2016 organizado por YPFB en Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia) el 15 y 16 de Diciembre de 2016.

Vídeo: Foliar Fertilization with Micronutrients: Concepts and Applications

Dr. Casarin discutiu como usar técnicas de adubação foliar para tirar vantagem da capacidade da planta para absorver micronutrientes pelas folhas.

Entrevista para programa Giro do Boi, Canal Rural

Dr. Eros Francisco, diretor adjunto do IPNI Brasil, participou do programa Giro do Boi do Canal Rural, 25 de Outubro de 2016. O programa Giro do Boi realizou uma entrevista com o Dr. Francisco para tr ...

Impactos del Manejo 4Rs a Largo Plazo - Experiencias en Argentina

Simposio Manejo 4R en el XXI Congreso Latinoamericano de la Ciencia del Suelo

3 Potassium deficiency symptoms

Potassium for pastures

Dr. Eros Francisco Ministra Aulas sobre Boas Práticas de Manejo de Fertilizantes

Como parte de suas atividades de extensão, Dr. Eros Francisco, ministrou aulas sobre dinâmica dos nutrientes no sistema solo-planta e sobre boas práticas de manejo de fertilizantes para alunos do curs ...

I Encontro de Engenheiros Agrônomos da Região do MATOPIBA

Foi realizado na cidade de Luís Eduardo Magalhães, um importante evento técnico no período de 6 a 8 de outubro no Sindicato dos Produtores Rurais. Dr. Valter Casarin, Diretor Adjunto do IPNI Brasil pa ...

“4R Plant Nutrition Manual” from an Oil Palm Agronomist’s Perspective

October 11, 2016. Penang, Malaysia – Penang-based independent oil palm agronomist, Chiu Sheng Bin recently reviewed and brought to the attention of planters, the 138-page “4R PLANT NUTRITION: A Manual ...

Simpósio IPNI Brasil sobre Boas Práticas para Uso Eficiente de Fertilizantes em Café

Simpósio realizado nos dias 27 e 28 de Setembro de 2016, Poços de Caldas-MG. Foi apresentado e discutido localmente as boas práticas de manejo dos nutrientes de plantas na cultura do café.

1 Pasture and animal production

Potassium for pastures

IV Encontro de Adubação de Pastagens

O IPNI Brasil organizou um painel sobre boas práticas do uso de fertilizantes em pastagens no IV Encontro de Adubação de Pastagens organizado pela Scot Consultoria e Tec-Fertil, ocorrido em Ribeirão P ...

Entrevista: Luís Prochnow, Diretor do IPNI, fala sobre a iniciativa Nutrientes para a Vida no Brasil

"Todo ser vivo necessita de nutrientes, as plantas não são diferentes e os produtos que fornecem os nutrientes são os fertilizantes. O solo também contém nutrientes, porém a frequência de cultivos pod ...

0 Potassium for sheep and beef pastures

Sheep and Beef Australia and New Zealand


Scott Murrell著, 谢玲 译 涂仕华 校 目前玉米价格低迷,许多生产者提出这样尖锐的问题:此时他们如何管理养分?以下是一些建议,让他们在保证产量的同时尽可能降低肥料投入,从而获得更多所需回报。 考虑土壤现有养分状况。利用土壤中已有的养分优势。土壤测试结果对我们决定应当施用哪种养分,施用多少量能提供最佳指导。 考虑本农场或邻近农场的养分供应。如果你s.

IPNI Knowledge Dissemination (Nov 2016)

Oil Palm Course: 4R Nutrient Stewardship (back by popular demand)

Métodos de diagnóstico tradicionales y nuevas herramientas

Presentación realizada en el XXIV Congreso de AAPRESID en el Simposio "Simposio de nutrición de cultivos: ¿Cómo podemos mejorar el diagnóstico de la nutrición de los cultivos en la región pampeana?" e ...

Pensando en Nutrientes y Fertilidad de Suelos para los próximos 30 años

Conmemoración de los 30 años de adopción del sistema de Siembra Directa en el Paraguay

Potassium research at Uruguay - Exploration of Responses to Potassium in Western Uruguay

Paper and presentation at the 2016 Soil Science Congress of Russia

Inaugural IPNI Oil Palm Courses on 4R Nutrient Stewardship and Sustainable Intensification

July 28, 2016. Penang, Malaysia – The International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI), a leader in global plant nutrition, is dedicated to responsible nutrient management, with initiatives addressing t ...


Mike Stewart著, 谢玲 译 涂仕华 校 有时人们会问到不同磷肥品种的有效性、成分和植物的利用率。下列问题非常常见,“液体P肥是否比固态P肥对植物更有效?在碱性土中一种磷肥品种是否会优于另一种?使用某些磷肥是否能降低其最佳用量?” 回顾磷肥的基本原理有助于我们加深这对些问题的理解。 实际上所有的无机磷肥都来源于磷矿(PR),它是一种自然形成的沉积矿石,m.

IPNI Nutrient Expert® for Android Tablets and Smart Phones

July 18, 2016. Penang, Malaysia – International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) is pleased to announce the release of android-based versions of Nutrient Expert® for crops and geographies, i. e. , mai ...

Importancia del diagnóstico para la toma de decisión de la fertilización

Presentación en la Jornada de Actualización Técnica de Bunge realizada en Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires) el 3 de Junio de 2016.

IPNI - Cocoa Care Collaboration Helping Farmers in Indonesia Revitalize Cocoa Production

Jun 22, 2016. Penang, Malaysia – The International Plant Nutrition Institute - Southeast Asia Program (IPNI SEAP) and PT Community Solutions International’s Cocoa Care Program, a scalable sustainabili ...




Thomas Jensen著, 谢玲 译 涂仕华 校 我们制造和使用掺混肥的挑战之一是有时对一些特殊养分作一些特殊处理/对待。这主要涉及14种矿质养分在土壤中的移动性不同。 养分的移动性可以分为三个基本类型:移动、移动差、难移动。这里的术语“难移动”并不完全准确,因为这些养分在土壤中能移动,只不过移动速度很慢和移动距离很短而已,比如施用后一年只移动0. 32-0.

Manejo Nutricional de Trigo para Rendimiento y Calidad

Presentación realizada en el seminario de ASP en Coronel Suárez (Buenos Aires) el 18 de Mayo de 2016, en colaboración con el Dr. Nahuel Reussi Calvo de Fertilab y FCA(UMdP)-CONICET


Mike Stewart著, 谢玲 译 涂仕华 校 1922年,锰(Mn)最先被证实为植物必需元素。植物对Mn的需求量很小,与其他微量元素和大量元素一样,Mn是作物生长必不可少的。 植物中的锰。植物从土壤中吸收Mn2+以及有机络合形态锰。植物根系通过分泌小分子有机酸来帮助从土壤中吸收Mn。植物体内的Mn移动性差。这一点非常重要,因为它意味着缺素症状会首先出现在新叶上,因为植物老组织 .

Raízes para o crescimento: Alimentando o mundo

A importância dos fertilizantes no atendimento à demanda mundial por alimentos e a utilização das Boas Práticas de Manejo na produção agrícola.

Nutrient Use Efficiency beyond 2020

Dr Norton presents summary in Beijing

Palestra sobre adubação de pastagens

Dr. Eros Francisco ministrou palestra sobre adubação de pastagens para alunos do curso de agronomia da Universidade Federal de Rondônia em Rolim de Moura-RO.

O Uso do Fósforo na Agricultura com Ênfase em Localização

Vídeo do webinar ocorrido em 23/03/2016, realizado pelo IPNI Brasil e ABPSAP Associação Brasileira de Prestadores de Serviço de Agricultura de Precisão

A importância dos fertilizantes minerais para a nutrição das plantas

Dr. Luís I. Prochnow, Diretor do IPNI Brasil, em entrevista ao programa ClimaTempo

Results of 2015 HRZ Nutrition Experiments

Summary of responses from nutrient omission experiments.

Project Description - Improving N and S Fertilizer Management System under Crop Rotation

Location: Krasnodar Krai, Southern Federal District. Objectives: 1) Optimize the rates of S-containing fertilizers (NPKS and NPS). 2) Optimize the N sources for top-dressing in winter barley and winte ...

Precision Agriculture in the USA - Trends and Technologies

Vídeo do webinar ocorrido em 11/01/2016 - Dr. Steve Phillips, Diretor do IPNI USA

Banana quality and yield affected by optimal rates and of ratios of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers in Guangdong

Differing from many other crops, banana is a crop that needs sufficiently higher amount of potassium (K) than nitrogen (N) to obtain best yield and quality. Besides fertilization rates, the ratio of K ...

Vídeo: Conceito 4C na redução da emissão de gases do efeito estufa

O IPNI Brasil apresenta a versão em português do vídeo sobre o manejo 4C (aplicação da fonte certa, na dose certa, na época certa e local certo), para minimizar a emissão de gases do efeito estufa. Os ...

Effects of K sources on yield and quality of Chinese cabbage in Chongqing

Both potassium chloride (KCl) and potassium sulfate (K2SO4) are commonly used in agricultural production. People used to apply KCl on grain and oil crops, but for vegetables, which fertilizer should b ...

4R nitrogen management produced more yield and benefit on rice in Ningxia, China

Research focused on effect of N recommendation by Nutrient Expert integrated with CRU and placement on rice yield and benefit as well as N use efficiency.

Comparisons of phosphorus fertilizer sources in cotton production in Xinjiang, China-2016

This project was initiated in 2016 to evaluate the new compound containing N, P, S, Zn compared with traditional compound DAP in cotton in Xinjiang, China.

Efficiency of nitrogen carriers in calcareous soil under hybrid rice-wheat -green gram cropping system: a step towards Nutrient Expert® based 4R Stewardship plant nutrition approach

The carriers or the sources of added nitrogenous fertilizers play an important role in regulating N transformations, changing N loss patterns, and influencing NUE. Thus, there is ample opportunity to ...

Intensification of forage production in Vologda region

The 3-years project was established on the leading regional dairy farm with crop area under forages grasses and legumes 2 600 ha and 4 110 heads of cows. This project has a special focus on intensific ...

IPNI Southeast Asia's International Publication Partnership on Oil Palm Nutrition

Our understanding of the importance of nutrients for sustainable oil palm production is incomplete. Extensive experimental work has been dedicated to understand yield response of oil palm to nutrients ...

Oil Palm Training Program

This project delivers training on the application of 4R principles in all stages of the oil palm production cycle from the initial nursery stage to the productive mature stage.

Potato response to potassium fertilizer combined with different P sources in Inner Mongolia, China

This project initiated in 2016 and mainly evaluate the effect of MOP and/or SOP combined with DAP and new compound fertilizer containing N, P S and Zn on potato yield and farmer's income.

Scaling of Maize Fertilizer Recommendations Philippines

The project provides a model for scaling 4Rs in maize through the use of Nutrient Expert Maize recommendations by members of smallholder cooperatives, by building capacity of farmer leaders and market ...

The Role of Boron in Sustainable Intensification of Smallholder Cacao Systems in Sulawesi, Indonesia

We implement a project that adds value and strengthens activities of IPNI, Cocoa Care and fertilizer industry partners in sustainable intensification of cacao production systems. Specifically, we exec ...

Looking for Sustainability - Long-Term Fertilization in the Pampas of Argentina - Establishing a Plant Nutrition Network for the CREA Region in Southern Santa Fé

An oral paper on the long-term agronomic, economic, and environmental outcomes of the Nutrition Network CREA Southern Santa Fe was presented at the 2015 ASA Meetings which took place at Minneapolis (M ...

Promotion du concept du 4R par IPNI Afrique du Nord dans les zones céréalières du Maroc

Dans le cadre du projet Agrium et en ouverture de la campagne agricole 2015-2016 IPNI Afrique du Nord a organisé des journées de sensibilisation et d'information au profit des agriculteurs des zones c ...

关于召开化肥零增长下养分高效利用国际学术研讨会 会议通知

关于召开化肥零增长下养分高效利用国际学术研讨会会议三轮通知 各有关单位、各位专家、学者: 2015年农业部制订了《到2020年化肥使用量零增长行动方案》,提出力争到2020年主要农作物化肥使用量实现零增长。为凝练当前化肥减施中的重大科学需求、借鉴发达国家化肥减施中的成功经验,以及交流肥料高效利用中的最新进展,中国植物营养与肥料学会化学肥料专业委员会 .

西北地区向日葵4R 养分管理


Cómo levantar los promedios de rendimiento de soja desde la nutrición

Presentación realizada en la Jornada de Actualización Técnica Don Mario "Acortando las brechas de rendimiento en el cultivo de soja" organizadas por Don Mario en Rosario (Santa Fe) el 3 de Septiembre ...

Fertilización a Largo Plazo, los Resultados de Construir Ambientes durante 15 años

Presentación realizada en el taller del Congreso AAPRESID 2015, el 7 de Agosto de 2015.

Background to Omission Trials

Summary of HRZ omission trials treatments and seasonal conditions

Promotion du concept de 4R en Algerie

Lors de sa visite en Algerie au mois de Mai 2015, Dr Hakim Boulal Directeur executif de IPNI Afrique du Nord a entamé une visite dans la région de Tiaret connue comme l'une des plus importantes région ...

4R Nutrient Stewardship for Crop Production Intensification in Ethiopia

The International Fertilizer Association (IFA) has funded IPNI to carry out a project to support crop production intensification in Ethiopia. The project will work towards developing tools for effecti ...

Mano a mano con los que saben en fertilización de cultivos

Dr. Pedro Barbagelata – EEA INTA Paraná. Ing. Agr. M. Sc. Gustavo Ferraris – EEA INTA Pergamino. Dr. Nahuel Reussi Calvo – Unidad Integrada INTA-FCA Balcarce. Laboratorio Fertilab. Ing. Agr. Cristian ...

Reciclando nutrientes: Ventajas, oportunidades, desafíos y amenazas

Dr. Miguel Cabrera – Universidad de Georgia, EE.UU.




Module/case study for 4R nutrient stewardship



Nutrição mineral, fertilidade do solo e uso de nutrientes em cafeeiro, soja e pastagens

Dr. Eros Francisco, promoveu uma série de palestras nas principais cidades do estado de Rondônia entre os dias 14 e 16 de abril, sobre a nutrição mineral de plantas, a fertilidade do solo e uso de nut ...



Controlled release urea with plastic mulch significantly reduces nutrient losses from sloping lands

In order to understand effects of nitrogen sources and plastic mulching on fluxes and pathways of soil nutrient losses, a randomized block experiment design was employed with two factors and four nitr ...




棉花分布在全国25个省份,面积超过7500万亩,皮棉总产量达650万吨。北方棉区主要分布在新疆、河南、河北、山东,面积和产量占全国的2/3以上,使农民增收的主要经济作物之一。对棉花高产优质至关重要,但北方棉区施钾量不足。这篇文章着重阐述了棉花生产中按照正确的品种、正确的用量、正确的施肥时期和施肥方法的4R养分管理措施进行钾肥管理对棉花产量、品质和经 .


向日葵是我国重要的油料作物之一,西北地区是主产区,面积占全国的72%以上,超过1000万亩。在向日葵施肥上农民主要施用有机肥配合施用N、P肥,尤其磷肥过量施用比较普遍,而施钾肥的农户只有不足10%。即使施钾地区钾肥的用量不足向日葵需求量的30%。因此,钾肥的合理施用是提高向日葵产量和品质的主要措施之一。本研究总结现有的研究成果,根据4R养分管理原则提出 .


马铃薯是继水稻、小麦和玉米后第四位粮食作物。全球1/3的马铃薯来自发展中国家。我国是世界上最大的马铃薯生产国,2013年产量达到9594万吨,其中2/3产于6个省份,即内蒙古、甘肃、四川、贵州、云南和重庆。肥料用量低且不平衡是马铃薯产量低和品质差的主要原因之一,而且西南地区马铃薯种植区很大一部分在山区和高原地区,限制产量的因素复杂多样。土壤养分含量低 .


为了理解氮肥品种与地膜覆盖对坡耕地养分流失通量和途径的影响,在四川省资阳市开展了人工降雨条件下2个覆盖方式和4个氮肥品种组合的随机区组田间试验。试验结果表明,氮、磷和钾通过地下径流(壤中流) 损失的量分别占总流失量的71. 30%, 6. 36%和8.

N in Agriculture

Monday April 13, 2015 Soil Science Australia, South Australian Branch Event


The role of boron

High rainfall zone nutrient omission trials 2015

Part of the GRDC project DAV00141 led by P Riffkin

Région de Chaouia: IPNI organise une grande journée de sensibilisation sur le principe du 4R pour une bonne gestion de la fertilisation du blé

Plus de 120 participants ont répondu presents à la journée de sensibilisation sur le concept du 4R pour la bonne gestion de la nutrition minérale du blé organisée par le programme IPNI Afrique du Nord ...

Agronomic, economic, social and environmental benefits of improved nutrient management practices in maize production systems under variable farm size, climate, soil fertility conditions and farmer resource endowment in Telangana, India.

A study was undertaken with the scientists of PJTSAU considering the following objectives. 1. To determine farmer typologies through implementation of rapid rural surveys in maize growing ecologies of ...

Better nutrient management strategy for rice-wheat, rice-rapeseed and rice-rice cropping systems

Rice-upland crop rotation is one of the most important cropping systems in China. To increase fertilization efficiency in these rotations, improve farmland soil fertility and reduce the risk of non-po ...

Effect of control release urea on rice and eggplant in Hubei

As supported by IPNI China program, the project cooperators in Wuhan Botanical Garden of CAS carried out the rice and eggplant field experiments to study the effect of application control release urea ...

Fertigation of Field Vegetable Crops

Response of field vegetable crop to S and Ca application is studied in on-farm field experiments conducted under fertigation conditions (with fertilizer application through drip irrigation).

Nutrient performance indicators for the Australian grains industry

This project aims to develop and test a process to measure and report the nutrient use benchmarks partial nutrient balance (PNB) and partial factor productivity (PFP) for N, P, K and S for grain produ ...

Optimization of Winter Wheat Nutrition

Response of winter wheat to foliar sprays with Potassium Nitrate is studied in field experiments conducted in drought-affected areas.

Les scientifiques de IPNI Afrique du Nord en tournée de sensibilisation sur la bonne gestion des éléments nutritifs pour la culture du blé

En préparation à la nouvelle campagne agricole 2014-2015, le bureau IPNI Afrique du Nord a organisé durant le mois d'octobre 2014 des journées de sensibilisation sur la bonne gestion des éléments nutr ...

Increasing nutrient use efficiency in farming systems

presented at the Soil Science Australia biennial conference

Canola 4R Nutrient Management

Lessons from Australia, US Canola Association Research Conference.

Nutrient Use Efficiency

Presented at the 2014 AFSA meeting

El potasio en la agricultura uruguaya

Experiencias en los últimos años

4R Nutrient Stewardship for Sunflower Crops in Northwest China

Nutrient imbalance following over- and under-application of some nutrients has restricted sunflower production in Northwest China. A review of research demonstrates how the 4R Nutrient Stewardship app ...

4R Nutrient Management Practices for Potato Production in China

In China, potato yields have been restricted by low and unbalanced nutrient input. A key measure to better tuber yield, quality, and improved nutrient use efficiency will be successful implementation ...

Second Atelier de formation sur l'outil ''Nutrient Expert'' Organisé par IPNI North Africa

Dans le cadre de ses activités en Afrique du Nord, le bureau regional de IPNI en Afrique du Nord a organisé le second atelier sur le modèle de prise de decision en fertilisation '' Nutrient Expert". C ...

Nutrient Deficiency Pictures

Quiz for Birchip, Hamilton and Cressy

2013 Annual Report - Exploring Potassium Deficiencies in the Northern Pampas of Argentina

In the 2012/13 season, weather conditions were favorable for spring-summer crops, with rainfall exceeding the average while high temperature records that occurred in a few months, did not affect the c ...

Sulfur deficiency in canola

Taken at Bealiba, Victoria

Micronutrients Copper and Manganese

Their role, requirements and options

Nitrogen - how much is enough?

GRDC Grower Updates, Kimba, Cummins, Naracoorte

BMPSCN Manual on Soil and Plant Analysis and Fertilizer Recommendation - Best Management Practices for Sustainable Crop Nutrition in Bulgaria

This Manual contains information on soil and plant sampling and analysis, as well as recommendations for selecting appropriate fertilisers for field crops, vegetables, fruit and viticulture. The most ...

K deficiency in wheat

Seen in cereals at mid-tillering

Nutrient Expert® Featured in CCAFS Annual Report

"The advantage of developing the Nutrient Expert® in a participatory mode was that the partners were on-board from day one and ultimately ‘owned’ the innovation.

Videos sobre los 4Rs del Manejo Responsable de los Nutrientes

Los 4 Requisitos (4Rs) del Manejo Responsable de Nutrientes son aplicar la fuente de nutrientes correcta, a una dosis correcta, en el momento correcto y el lugar correcto. EL Manejo Responsable 4Rs es ...

Project Summary - Evaluation of late nitrogen applications to achieve yield potential and increased protein content in wheat

Background Growers and agronomists have to make a number of key tactical decisions, each season, in respect of their overall nitrogen management. These decisions include selecting the right rate based ...

How to get nitrogen into your crop effectively and efficiently

Time, Rate, Place and Source - get them all Right.

Des plateformes d'essais pour la formation au champ au profit des agriculteurs et des agents de développement issus des principales régions céréalières du Maroc

Le 21 Avril 2013 IPNI North Africa a organisé une journée de formation au champs sur la fertilisation des céréales au profit des agriculteurs et des agents de développement des principales région céré ...

Bases para el manejo 4R de la nutrición del cultivo de trigo

Presentación realizada en el Simposio Internacional IPNI Brasil-IPNI Cono Sur, Foz do Iguacu (Brasil), 20-21 de Mayo de 2014.

Project Description - Impacts of 4R Nitrogen Management on Crop Production and Nitrate-Nitrogen Loss in Tile Drainage

Project Objectives As part of this field research and demonstration project, we propose to evaluate various promising N management methods and technologies by documenting the nitrate-N export and crop ...

Project Description - Supplemental Late-Vegetative Nitrogen Applications for High-Yield Corn: Agronomic, Economic and Environmental Implications with Modern Versus Older Hybrids

Introduction: Modern corn hybrids have a “functional stay green” capacity whereby their leaves not only stay green longer during the grain filling period, but also maintain their photosynthetic capaci ...

Project Description - Minimizing Phosphorus Loss with 4R Stewardship and Cover Crops

Project Goal: The goal of this project is to protect water quality and maximize nutrient use efficiency while simultaneously providing producers with flexible management options for phosphorus (P) fer ...

Project Description - Evaluating the 4R Nutrient Stewardship Concept and Certification Program in the Western Lake Erie Basin

Since the mid-1990s, the frequency and extent of algal blooms and loadings of dissolved phosphorus (P) in the Western Lake Erie Basin (WLEB) have been on increasing trends. Agricultural crop managemen ...

The effect of K applied at different times to wheat, Western Australia

Responses on a sandy soil in pot and field experiments

2013 Annual Report - Foliar N on Wheat

Results and Interpretations The measure of green cover (NDVI), a surrogate for crop biomass, conducted prior to the treatment applications returned no significant differences between treatments. It ca ...

Summary of BCG field trial - Foliar N on Wheat

UAN versus granular urea versus liquid urea

What’s new in Zinc – and some critical reminders?

Presented at GRDC Advisor Updates, Temora, NSW.

Agronomic Effectiveness of Calcined Soluble Sources of P Fertilizers

Every winter fire strikes out in the Cerrado of Brazil due to climatic conditions of very low air humidity with high temperature burning natural vegetation or harvest residue on fields, and as growers ...

Breaking Soybean Yield Barriers: Integrating Crop Production Practices & Comprehensive Fertilization Strategies – a Cropping System Approach

This project is studying the effects of different farming systems on soybean yield in major production regions of the Americas. The specific research objectives are to: 1) quantify soybean yields acro ...

Dissemination of Nutrient Expert® Fertilizer Decision Support Tool for Wheat and Maize in Eastern India

A total of 24 KVKs across three states of this zone have conducted the NE® trial supported by IPNI. These KVKs are of Bihar, Jharkhand, and West Bengal. The common experimental design for all implemen ...

Field validation of Nutrient Expert for early and late rice in China

Nutrient Expert Rice was developed to evaluate and validate fertilizer recommendation method based yield response and agronomic efficiency as compared with soil testing and farmer's practice

Field validation of Nutrient Expert for middle season rice in China

response and agronomic efficiency as compared with soil testing and farmer's practice

Field validation of Nutrient Expert for single season rice in China

Nutrient Expert Rice was developed to evaluate and validate fertilizer recommendation method based yield response and agronomic efficiency as compared with soil testing and farmer's practice

Field validation of Nutrient Expert Soybean in China

Nutrient Expert Soybean was developed to evaluate and validate fertilizer recommendation method based yield response and agronomic efficiency as compared with soil testing and farmer's practice.

Managing micronutrient deficiencies in cropping systems of eastern Australia

This project will address these increasing concerns and speculation in a three pronged approach for all six micronutrients named in the tender (Mn, Zn, Cu, B, Mo, Fe) for all cropping regions in Austr ...

On- farm precision nutrient prescription under pre- dominant cereal- cereal systems using Nutrient Expert®

The project was initiated to optimize nutrient usage and maximize cereal – cereal systems productivity in various rice growing ecologies and geographies in India. The research project will compare yie ...

Optimising the yield and economic potential of high input cropping systems in the High Rainfall Zone

The High Rainfall Zone in southeastern Australia has high yield potentials for wheat and canola, but growers are faced with challenges about resource allocation in a relatively new and rapidly evolvin ...

Project Description - Evaluation of late nitrogen applications to achieve yield potential and increased protein content in wheat

This project aims to contribute to the knowledge gaps identified by the HRZ RCSN in the program logic for the very high priority issue of nitrogen management. The research question is – Can we achieve ...

Generalized Nutrient Cycles

View and download some of the generalized nutrient cycles developed by IPNI.

2012 Annual Interpretive Summary - Assessment of Agronomic and Economic Benefits of Fertilizer Use in Maize Production Systems under Variable Farm Size, Climate and Soil Fertility Conditions in Eastern India

This project was initiated to synthesize information on farmer typologies (farmer groups classified by economic and social status), based on access and use of nutrient inputs, and apply the Nutrient E ...

2012 Annual Interpretive Summary - Nitrogen dynamics under elevated carbon dioxide

By 2070, atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration is expected to double that observed in 1950. In this higher CO2 world, the sustainability of global crop production may be in jeopardy unless cu ...

Agronomic evaluation of control-release urea (CRU) in maize and rice in Heilongjiang

The objective of this study was to explore the right rate of CRU and the right blending ratio of CRU to regular urea

Assessment of Nutrient Contribution towards Yield of Bt Cotton through Omission Plot Techniques in Karnataka

The project was initiated to assess the yield responses to N, P and K fertilizer application in different Bt cotton growing farmer fields and also understand the extent of indigenous nutrient supplyin ...

Development and Validation of Nutrient Expert for Maize in Bangladesh

The project was initiated to develop and validate the Nutrient Expert for Maize, a site specific fertilizer recommendation tool for maize, in different maize growing areas of Bangladesh. The results f ...

Effects of Nitrogen on Oxalate Accumulation Mechanisms in Different Spinach Genotypes

Over application N fertilizer is quite common, especially for vegetable in China. Therefore, supported by IPNI China program, the project cooperators in Zhejiang University carried out this research p ...

Evaluation of late nitrogen applications to achieve yield potential and increased protein content in wheat

In the southeastern Australian high rainfall cropping zone, growers have the opportunity to apply nitrogen later in crop growth because of the higher probability of followup rains. This project establ ...

Foliar N on Wheat

Comparison of delivery of N through dry or fluid N sources

Micronutrient Field Evaluations

A summary of six experiments on field responses to micronutrients in western Victoria.

Nutrient Optimization and Yield Intensification of Major Cereal Systems of Eastern India

India is the second largest producer of rice in the world with a production of 100 million t in 2010-11. However, it's current productivity is far below it's attainable yield level. Introducing hybrid ...

Source, Rate, and Time of Nitrogen Fertilization for Sugarcane

The requirement for worldwide abundant food, feed, fiber, and more recently biofuel, leads to higher amounts of fertilizer utilized in agriculture in diverse parts of the globe. Nitrogen (N) is, most ...

Study and Application of Nutrient Management Expert System in a Summer Maize-Winter Wheat Rotation

IPNI China program is encouraging the use of crop nutrient management expert system in China, Since 2013, supported by IPNI China program, the project cooperators in the Soil and Fertilizer Institute, ...

2011 Annual Interpretive Summary - Nitrogen dynamics under elevated carbon dioxide

Elevated atmospheric CO2 affects growth and yield which then affect processes controlling the supply and losses of N to sustain these increases. This research was undertaken to measure the effects of ...

Project Description - Improvement of Maize and Soybean (Chickpea) Mineral Nutrition on a Calcareous Common Chernozem

The Global Maize project was initiated in 2011 in Rostov Oblast, Southern Russia, on a common chernozem. Maize-soybean crop rotation was studied at the A-site in 2011-2014 and since 2015 it was change ...

Large Urea Granules for Broadcast Application in Perennial Forage Grasses

Large and regular sized urea applied with and without urease and nitrification inhibitors, surface applied, or banded, in fall or spring, for perennial forage grasses.

More Profit from Crop Nutrition: Micronutrient Survey

A scoping study to develop a risk assessment for micronutrient deficiency in the grains industry.

Project Description - Exploring Potassium Deficiencies in the Northern Pampas of Argentina

Brief background to the problem: In Argentina, the area cropped to soybean increased from 9 to 18 million ha and the production from 20 to 52 million t in the last 10 years. Despite of the large adopt ...

Agronomic Effectiveness of Acidulated Phosphate Fertilizers with Different Water Solubility

There is a high demand of P fertilizers in Brazilian agriculture, where the most common sources in use are acidulated phosphates. Due to the high P fixation capacity and low P levels of Brazilian soil ...

Large Urea Granules for Broadcast Application for No-till Cropping in Alberta Spring Wheat

Large and regular sized urea applied with and without urease and nitrification inhibitors, surface applied in fall or spring under no-till cropping.

Nitrogen Fertilization Methods for No-till Cropping of Winter Wheat in Central Montana

Earlier research in Alberta and North Dakota showed that using larger granules of urea compared to regular sized ag-grade urea was a means of increasing crop yield and reducing the potential for denit ...

Nitrous Oxide Emissions from the Application of Fertilizers: Source Partitioning

Meta-analysis review of the 4R impacts on nitrous oxide emissions in the Midwest U.S.

Addressing sulphur needs in-crop

Sulphur is an important part of a balanced crop nutrition program and this is a summary of options for in-crop S application.

2009 Annual Interpretive Summary - Nitrogen dynamics under elevated carbon dioxide

The Australian Grains Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (AGFACE) facility was established to compare wheat growth, yield, and development under ambient atmospheric carbon dioxide (a CO2 ~380 ppm) and ...

Ammonium Sulfate for Canola in Southeastern Australia

Evaluation of ammonium sulfate as a S source for rainfed wheat and canola cropping systems.

Large Urea Granules for Broadcast Application in No-till Cropping - Alberta Agriculture - Lethbridge AB

Large and regular sized urea applied with and without urease and nitrification inhibitors, surface applied in fall or spring under no-till cropping.

Nutrient Expert Development and Assessment

This project aims to (1) develop, test, and refine new versions of Nutrient Expert (NE) for new crops and new geographies in Asia and Africa, (2) conduct field trials and build agronomic database for ...

Nutrition of Hybrid Willows for Bio-fuel Production

Seven different clones of willow grown as a potential bio-fuel crop were evaluated in their response to irrigation and N, P, K and S fertilization. After three growing seasons, prior to harvesting the ...

Root Scans to Document Fertilizer Response

Root response to fertilizer source and placement were documented with rhizotron scanners

Study on Nutrient Management Technology for Vegetables in Wuhan

Over fertilization for vegetable in Wuhan is very serious problem. Therefore, supported by IPNI China program, the project cooperators in Wuhan Academy of Agricultural Science carried out this researc ...

Field Evaluation of Urea Compared to Enhanced Urea Products

The experiment was conducted in the 2009 field season at a field site in West Central Saskatchewan in the Dark Brown soil zone near Kindersley, SK. The trial evaluated the yield response of canola (fo ...

Global Maize Project in India: Dharwad, Karnataka - Site Specific Nutrient Management in Maize-Wheat cropping system in Northern Karnataka

This project was initiated to assess the short and long term effects of ecological intensification of maize production on productivity, environmental impact, and profitability of farmers growing maize ...

Large Urea Granules for Broadcast Application for No-till Cropping - University of Alberta, Ellerslie, AB

Large and regular sized urea applied with and without urease and nitrification inhibitors, surface applied in fall or spring under no-till cropping.

Nitrogen dynamics under elevated carbon dioxide

How will high carbon dioxide concentrations affect the cycling of nitrogen in crop production systems.

Research in Herbosa Succession Process Based on Soil Fertility Evolution

Weed biodiversity is one of the indicators of farmland ecological environment and greatly affected by different fertilization patterns. This research program was to study weed community under differen ...

Site Specific Nutrient Management for a Rice-Wheat System in Haryana

The project was initiated to develop site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) strategy for rice-wheat cropping systems grown under varying tillage and residue management scenarios and use the informat ...

Site Specific Nutrient Management for a Rice-Wheat System in Punjab

The project aims at developing principles and increase knowledge on effective nutrient management for rice and wheat in current production systems and in emerging conservation agriculture (CA) based s ...

A Micrometeorological Study to Quantify Ammonia Volatilization Losses from Surface Applied Urea in the Semiarid Northern Great Plains

Montana winter wheat growers broadcast surface apply urea to their crops in late fall, or early spring to supply the crops with needed nitrogen. Urea is known to be susceptible to ammonia (NH3) volati ...

Comparison of P-based Starter Fertilizer Products, Forms, and Rates Affecting Crop Yields

There are increasing questions regarding different liquid and granular products in their seed-row efficacy at ultra low rates, etc. One of the practices we are most concerned about is the marketing an ...

Evaluation of Phosphate and Nitrogen Fertilizers Treated with Polymer Additives to Increase Fertilizer Efficiency

The Richardson International Kelburn, MB research and demonstration farm was the site of experiments evaluating Avail additive for both dry granular and liquid phosphate fertilizers. there were also e ...

Evaluation of Phosphate and Nitrogen Fertilizers Treated with Polymer Additives to Increase Fertilizer Efficiency

The use of polymer additives to regular soluble fertilizers to increase the uptake of fertilizer nutrieIt is thought to slow down the reaction of the fertilizer nutrient ions and molecules with soil c ...

Evaluation of Urea Nitrogen Fertilizer Treated with Nutrisphere Polymer Additive to Increase Fertilizer Efficiency

The use of polymer additives to regular soluble fertilizers has been shown to increase the uptake of fertilizer nutrients into target crops. The mechanism of activity of the polymers is thought to slo ...

Impact of Traditional and Enhanced Efficiency Phosphorus Fertilizers on Canola Emergence, Yield, Maturity, and Quality

A number of enhanced efficiency P products have been developed that may improve the effectiveness of seed-placed P fertilizer, by reducing the risk of seedling damage and/or maintaining the P in an av ...

Exploration of Responses to Potassium in Western Uruguay

Several regions of Uruguay has recently shown K deficiencies and responses. This project looks to determine the different areas with K deficiency, evaluate responses in the main field crops, and provi ...

Nitrogen Recommendation Recalibrations for Wheat in North Dakota

A multiple year research study updating N response and recommendations for wheat in various agro-ecological areas of North Dakota.

Agronomic Evaluation of New Sulfur Sources for Canola in North Dakota

The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of various commercially available and potentially available sources of S fertilizer for canola production in North Dakota. Research trials ...

Impact of Cropping Sequence and Tillage System on Response to P Fertilization in Durum Wheat and Soybean

A study done to improve our ability to predict when P starter fertilizer is required by crops and identify management practices and fertilizer sources that may improve early season P availability to c ...

Nutrient Management and Optimized Fertilization on Maize in Heilongjiang Province

The project has been focusing on Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation since 2011

Nutrient Management and Optimized Fertilization on Maize in Heilongjiang Province

The project has been focusing on Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation since 2011

Soil Nutrient Stratification in Long-term Sustainable Cropping Systems Research Study

A tillage by rotation study evaluated after 11 years to determine if the use of no-till had led to nutrient stratification in the plots. The results of this study indicate that nutrients did become st ...

Strategies for Improving the Crop Safety and Efficiency of Starter Fertilizer for Saskatchewan Crops

Crops were planted in flats of soil are prepared to simulate a seed-bed and a low-disturbance opener configuration (10% seed bed utilization). Eleven commonly grown Saskatchewan crops (wheat, barley, ...

Suppression of Disease with Agronomic Practices in Recently Released Spring Wheat and Winter Wheat Cultivars

Suppression of Disease with Agronomic Practices in Recently Released Spring Wheat and Winter Wheat Cultivars, 2007 This study was designed to examine whether a synergy exists between chloride (Cl-) nu ...

The Effects of Potassium and Chloride Nutrition on Seed Yield of Canaryseed

The effects of potassium and chloride nutrition on seed yield of canary seed, was conducted to determine the responsiveness of canary seed to K and Cl- and provide better recommendations to producers ...

Yield and N and P Responses to Wheat to Long- and Short-term P Fertilization in a Brown Chernozem

A long-term field research experiment was designed to evaluate the impact of removing P fertilization from a fallow-wheat-wheat and a continuous wheat crop rotation after having applied P fertilizer f ...

Forage Rejuvenation with Phosphorus Fertilizer

Evaluate the management of dry and fluid P fertilizers, applied with N fertilizer, to restore the productivity of low producing forage stands in Saskatchewan.

Improving the Phosphorus Nutrition in Wheat

Assess yield, and P and Zn uptake of wheat receiving P and Zn fertilizer and inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi.

Phosphorus, Potassium and Sulfur on Malt Barley

Determine the effect of phosphorus, potassium and sulfur on the yield and quality parameters of malt barley across the agro-ecological regions of Alberta.

Evaluation of Agronomic Practices and Quality Parameters of Timothy Hay

Determine how important maintenance fertilizer management is to maintain timothy stands and quality. Also whether additions of the micronutrient Cu are beneficial in maintenance of green color in timo ...

Impact of Long-term Phosphate Application and Level of Fertilizer Cd on Crops and Soils

Assess the rate of P application from various P sources having different inherent cadmium levels, on Cd uptake and Cd concentration of harvested grain from crops in western Canada.

Improving the Quality and Profitability of Durum Wheat through Nutrient and Disease Management

Develop soil fertility (N and P) management strategies for Durum wheat, geared to maximizing production, improving grain quality, grain protein and achieving a higher grade for the grain they produce. ...

Phosphorus Fertility of Alfalfa Hay Stands in Southwest Saskatchewan

Alfalfa based forage stands in SW Saskatchewan are usually established with the intent of harvesting for five or more years. This study was initiated to evaluate the response of alfalfa to P fertilize ...

The Factor of N and P Fertilization Affecting the Concentration of a Nutraceutical Lignan in Flaxseed

As lignans are derived from phenylalanine, an amino acid found in protein, it is logical to ask the question of the effect of nitrogen and/or phosphorus fertilizers on the final concentration of SDG i ...

Boron Soil Tests - Understanding Boron Supply and Availability in Saskatchewan Soils

Boron (B) has not been studied extensively in Saskatchewan, and the current accepted soil and tissue test protocols and critical soil and plant tissue B levels were not developed specifically for this ...

Effect of Foliar-applied Monopotassium Phosphate on High Yield Canola and Wheat Grown in Southern Manitoba

Assess foliar application of mono potassium phosphate (MKP) to enhance phosphorus nutrition of wheat.

Phosphorus and Compost on Potatoes

Compare compost with mineral P fertilizer as a means of supplying P to potato.

Improving Forage Production and Longevity of Alfalfa Stands with Balanced Fertilization

To determine the influence of balanced fertilization on forage production, longevity of alfalfa stands, weed population and disease severity.

On-farm Evaluation of Potassium Chloride using Combine Yield Monitors

The addition of potassium (K) fertilizer to starter fertilizer blends is becoming a common practice in many areas of western Canada with high soil test K levels. Specific crops, such as malting barley ...

Optimizing Phosphorus Fertilization and Inoculation in Chickpea and Lentil

Develop recommendations for pulse growers in optimizing rhizobial and/or P-solublizing inoculants and fertilizer P for direct-seeding of kabuli and desi chickpeas and lentils in the semiarid regions o ...

The Effect of Potassium and Sulfur on the Yield Variability of Canaryseed

Evaluate K and S additions on the yield and quality of Canary Seed production at five locations in Saskatchewan, Canada.

Field Crop Response to Potassium on Soils with High Extractable Potassium and Varying Soil Supply Rates of Potassium

Crop responses to K on many western Canadian soils, even on soils testing high in K, have many people questioning the soil testing procedures used and/or the method by which K varies within fields. Us ...

The Effect of Tillage System and Proceeding Crop on Phosphorus Response of Flax

Assess the interactive effects of tillage system, preceeding crop and P management on flax production.

The Effects of Potassium Chloride to Counteract the Negative Effects of Side-banded Urea on Plant Establishment

A series of experiments to determine if adding KCl to side-banded urea would increase the safety to the seedlings against the toxic effects of side banded urea, regardless of the separation between th ...

Effect of Boron Fertilization on Alfalfa Production

Effect of Boron Fertilization on Alfalfa Production, 1998 This research in northwestern Montana is evaluating the potential benefits to boron (B) applied across different phosphorus (P) fertility leve ...

Feeding the Plants that Feed the World

The developed resource is a science kit that includes hands-on experiments that show upper elementary and junior high school students how plants grow and their nutritional needs.

Maximizing Canola Yield with Balanced Fertilization in the Saskatchewan Parkland

Determine the need and possible benefits of both S and B fertilization, as well as the interaction of these two nutrients, on rapeseed (canola) growth and yield in NE Saskatchewan.

Spring Wheat Response to Chloride Addition

Determine the response of hard red spring wheat to KCl addition at the landscape scale in a typical Dark Brown (Weyburn) loam soil in southern Saskatchewan.

Wheat Chloride WEB Site

Chloride Nutrition Web Site, 1998 This is a non-conventional research project involving the summarization of chloride (Cl) research, literature and field photos on PPI’s web site. This project was ini ...

Addressing Soil Chloride Variability and Its Management

Addressing Soil Chloride Variability and Its Management, 1998 In the northern Great Plains, grid sampling is not used by many wheat producers because of its expense. To be profitable, responsive areas ...

Agronomic Aspects of Coated Potassium Chloride Fertilizers

Research investigating if polymer coated KCl will enhance the nutrient use efficiency of K and Cl, and reduce the damaging effect of higher rates of seed placed fertilizer.

Chloride by Variety Interactions in Spring Wheat

Chloride is known to suppress several wheat diseases or increase the ability of wheat to withstand infection. Wheat response to chloride fertilizer has been variable, because response depends upon man ...

Sodium Chloride on Sugarbeet

Assess the response and need of sodium and chloride for sugar beet production in North Dakota.

The Influence of Fertilizer Placement on Crop and Weed Ecology in Direct-seeding Systems

Assess the impact of fertilizer placement on weeds in no-till seeding systems.

1995 Annual Interpretive Summary - Agronomic testing and introduction of potassium chloride in Pakistan

Potassium research studies conducted throughout the country in 1995 support previous results showing significant yield increases in major crops where soil available K levels are inadequate. Also, thes ...

Chloride's Role in Maximizing Wheat Variety Performance

To understand the interactions of major wheat varieties with chloride fertilization, and evaluate effects of chloride fertilization on wheat plant pathology, plant maturity and thousand kernel weight. ...

Effect of KC1 on Physiological Leaf Spot, Grain Yield and Quality of Winter Wheat in Saskatchewan

Assess the benefit of chloride application to winter wheat varieties that display physiological leaf spot symptoms thought to be chloride deficiency.

Evaluation of seed placed fertilizer rates

Questions that now remain unanswered are urea impacts on calcareous soils and the role that ammonium sulphate might play in various mixes with urea and what the safe rates of combined N,P,K and S fert ...

Increasing Flax Yields: A Closer Look at Fertilizer Utilization and Weed Management

Research results indicate that side-banding N with P at seeding will work well in flax production if there is good separation between the seed and fertilizer.

The Availability of P and K Contained in Pea and Fababean Residue to a Subsequent Crop

Assess the availability, release and use of P and K from field pea and fababean residues, to subsequest cereal crops.

Fertilizer Requirement of Irrigated Alfalfa

Results of the last 3 years indicate that a combination of soil and tissue tests provide the best option for predicting P response in alfalfa. However, neither worked well for K.

Maximizing Forage Productivity by Improving Effectiveness of P and K Fertilizers

Phosphorus fertilization is essential for good forage production. This study is showing how P fertilization affects dry matter yield and protein of alfalfa and bromegrass hay in central Alberta.

Polyphosphate hydrolysis in starter bands

A study to assess the rate of hydrolysis of polyphosphates placed in starter bands near seed row furrows.

Phosphorus fertilization of native mixed grass prairie in south central North Dakota

An assessment of P response of native mixed grass prairie in south central North Dakota.

Speciation and distribution of cadmium in soils of the Prairies

Most of the Cd in grain results from plant uptake from soils which could vary in Cd concentrations depending largely on the type of soil parent material. This project will compare paired pedons of cul ...

The interactions of row spacing and seeding rate with seed placed phosphorus

Evaluate the effects of row spacing, seeding rate, and N and P fertilizer placement in spring and winter wheat, barley, durum and flax under no-till cropping.

DRIS analysis of forage alfalfa silage, grain corn and greenhouse cucumbers

To evaluate the use of Diagnostic Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) analysis on three high value crops - irrigated alfalfa, irrigated corn, and greenhouse cucumbers.

Influence of phosphorus fertilizer on the soil quality of a historic irrigated rotation

Determine the influence of historic phosphorus application on soil quality and nutrient supplying power in a low input irrigated crop rotation.

Modeling soluble soil P levels

P sorption and known rates of addition and removal to explain rates of P removal (i.e. uptake) by barley under uncontrolled field conditions and different P fertilizer treatments.

Biocycling of P in soils

Evaluate the factors affecting cycling of P in soils as influenced by the soil microbial population in different selected soils.

Effect of chloride fertilization on yield and development rate of winter wheat varieties

The effect of Cl fertility on small grain production is currently of great interest in the Northern Great Plains. Research from South Dakota and Montana has shown that application of fertilizers conta ...

Effect of K and Cl on wheat stem sawfly damage and disease incidence in dryland and irrigated wheat

Project assessing the effect of K and Cl nutrition on crop disease and wheat stem sawfly infestation in wheat.

Fertilizer effects on nitrate in water and soils

Document and summarize the scientific literature concerning ground water nitrate problems in Western Canada and provide a baseline for future studies.

Spring wheat variety specific P management

A research project to assess the responsiveness of different spring wheat varieties to phosphorus fertilization.

Interaction of drip-applied potassium with soil nutrients

Assess the effect of drip applied potassium (K) as it interacts with other nuitrients

Influence of potassium chloride and polyphenols on the dynamics of the release of manganese from soils

Assess the effect of potassium chloride fertilization, and presence of polyphenols on the release of managanese from soils.

Interaction of fertilizer N and P and snow conservation on yield of spring and winter wheat in Southwestern Saskatchewan

This project evaluated the effect of N and P fertilization on wheat yield responsiveness to snow trapping for moisture conservation, in semi-arid south west Saskatchewan.

Maximum yields in Canadian Prairie soils - investigations on the efficiency of large broadcast applications of fertilizer phosphate

Determine the effects of a large P fertilizer application on subsequent crop yields, P availability, interactions with other nutrients, and economic feasibility.

Nitrogen, sulfur and KCl management for wheat production in North Dakota

A research project investigating the N, S, K and Cl needs of wheat in North Dakota.