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每年这个时候的热点讨论话题都是来自市场或菜园里的西红柿品质。有些人责怪西红柿之所以让人失望,其因为种植了现代西红柿品种,然而,事情并不那么简单。 对家庭蔬菜种植这来说,味道可能是最优先的考虑。但是,除味道外,商业种植者对成功种植和销售该作物还有很多其他考虑。商业西红柿品种的选育通常要考虑其对病虫害的抗性或者在种植季节上有严格要求。栽.

Improving Yield and Profitability of Processing Tomatoes in Northwest China with Potassium

Tomatoes require a relatively large amount of potassium (K) for adequate growth. Recently, scientists have detected declining K concentrations for soils in the Xinjiang region, and this is thought to ...

Improving Yield and Profitability of Processing Tomatoes in Northwest China with Potassium

Tomatoes require a relatively large amount of potassium (K) for adequate growth. Recently, scientists have detected declining K concentrations for soils in the Xinjiang region, and this is thought to ...





Fertigation of Field Vegetable Crops

Response of field vegetable crop to S and Ca application is studied in on-farm field experiments conducted under fertigation conditions (with fertilizer application through drip irrigation).

IPNI Research Projects - 2010

IPNI Research Project Summaries - 2010 This past year we provided financial and in-kind support to over 100 projects around the world. Our scientists work closely with the researchers and cooperators ...

2007 Crop Nutrient Deficiency Photo Contest Winners

Results of 2007 Crop Nutrient Deficiency Photo Contest On this page, we highlight winners for each of the four categories. The entries were judged on the overall quality of the image as well as the su ...