19 Apr 2010

IPI Bulletin No. 19, Fertilizing for High Yield and Quality: Pome and Stone Fruits of the Temperate Zone

Title: No. 19: Pome and Stone Fruits of the Temperate Zone
74 p. with color plates, ISBN 978-3-9523243-6-3
By Dr. Georg Ebert, K+S KALI GmbH
Edited by E.A. Kirkby

Language: English

Year: 2009

Category: IPI Bulletins: Fertilizing for high yield

Price: 10 USD

The bulletin covers the following chapters:

1. Introduction
2. Botany and Physiology
3. Mineral Nutrients
4. Management of Nutrient Supply
5. Bio-Production
6. References
7. Appendix: Plates

To order a copy please see the IPI web site under publications at http://www.ipipotash.org/publications/detail.php?i=296