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Turnê do IPNI no Mato Grosso

Dr. Luís Prochnow, Dr. Eros Francisco e Dr. Tom Bruulsema, Diretores do IPNI, fizeram uma turnê pelo Estado do Mato Grosso no intuito de visitar a Estação Experimental da Fundação MT e várias fazendas ...

Apply the “Four Rights” for Cotton Production in the Midsouth and Southeast

There is a lot of discussion about best management practices (BMPs) for agriculture, motivated by increasing energy costs and economic pressures. Farmer interest in BMPs is associated with the increas ...


Dr. Eros Francisco

Comparisons of phosphorus fertilizer sources in cotton production in Xinjiang, China-2016

This project was initiated in 2016 to evaluate the new compound containing N, P, S, Zn compared with traditional compound DAP in cotton in Xinjiang, China.

北方棉花的4R 钾肥管理措施





棉花分布在全国25个省份,面积超过7500万亩,皮棉总产量达650万吨。北方棉区主要分布在新疆、河南、河北、山东,面积和产量占全国的2/3以上,使农民增收的主要经济作物之一。对棉花高产优质至关重要,但北方棉区施钾量不足。这篇文章着重阐述了棉花生产中按照正确的品种、正确的用量、正确的施肥时期和施肥方法的4R养分管理措施进行钾肥管理对棉花产量、品质和经 .

Evaluation of Cotton Yield, Quality, and Plant Growth Response to Soil-Applied Potassium

The frequency and severity of potassium (K) deficiency symptoms in cotton have increased in some soils in the US Cotton Belt over the past decade or so. Insufficient levels plant available K in these ...

Yield maximization in cotton through targeted yield approach and omission plot techniques in Vertisols of Karnataka

A study was undertaken in the Bt cotton growing farmer fields of Raichur district with the following objectives 1. To know the effect of targeted yield approach on growth, yield and quality of Cotton ...

Soil potassium supply capacity and relation with cotton yield and fiber quality in main cotton areas in North China

In order to realize soil potassium status and supply capacity as well as their relation with cotton yield and quality in the main cotton areas in North China, surface soil (0-20 cm), cotton plant and ...

Effect of Potassium Chloride Application for Rice, Cotton and Potato in the Irrigated Zone of Kazakhstan

By Abdulla Saparov, Rakhimzhan Eleshev, Beibut Suleimenov, Gennadi Peskovki and Alexey Shcherbakov

Assessment of Nutrient Contribution towards Yield of Bt Cotton through Omission Plot Techniques in Karnataka

The project was initiated to assess the yield responses to N, P and K fertilizer application in different Bt cotton growing farmer fields and also understand the extent of indigenous nutrient supplyin ...

Deficiência de boro: escurecimento da medula do pecíolo foliar

Boro: No início do florescimento do algodoeiro em solo deficiente surgem, em manchas isoladas da lavoura, plantas com ponteiros cloróticos e folhas novas disformes e com limbos enrugados. Os botões fl ...

Deficiência de enxofre: clorose de ponteiro ("verde limão")

Enxofre: As plantas deficientes apresentam crescimento prejudicado, com poucos ramos vegetativos e com clorose foliar. Diferencia-se da carência de nitrogênio por ocorrer em manchas isoladas da lavour ...

Avermelhamento internerval devido à deficiência de magnésio

Magnésio: Da mesma forma que o cálcio, os distúrbios nutricionais com magnésio ocorrem com freqüência em solos ácidos. As plantas desenvolvem-se lentamentes, surgindo nas folhas do "baixeiro" uma clor ...

Detalhe do bronzeamento da fome de potássio

Potássio: A conhecida "fome de potássio" inicia-se durante a frutificação das plantas, freqüentemente em manchas isoladas da lavoura. Nas folhas do "baixeiro"surge uma clorose entre as nervuras, que e ...

Algodão cultivado sem fósforo, por 8 anos em solo deficiente

Fósforo: Ao contrário do nitrogênio, a deficiência de fósforo atrasa o desenvolvimento do algodoeiro. As plantas crescem muito pouco e as folhas mostram-se mais escuras e menores do que as normais. Po ...

Clorose geral de algodoeiro adubado com apenas 25 Kg de N/ha, em solo continuamente cultivado

Nitrogênio: Inicia-se com um amarelecimento uniforme da parte vegetativa, com destaque para as folhas mais velhas, do "baixeiro" das plantas, onde surgem pontos avermelhados e/ou pardos nos limbos. Há ...

The importance of K in crop yield and nutrient use efficiency

Farmers usually apply more P than K in crop production, most probably because of an assumed lower availability of P in soils and a lack of demonstrated K deficiencies. Attention must be paid to nutrie ...

IPNI Research Projects - 2010

IPNI Research Project Summaries - 2010 This past year we provided financial and in-kind support to over 100 projects around the world. Our scientists work closely with the researchers and cooperators ...

Improving Nitrogen Fertilizer Management in Surface-Irrigated Cotton

We propose conducting research in central Arizona to compare the common regional practice of N fertigation with knifed N injections in surface-irrigated cotton (i.e., level furrow irrigation). Additio ...

Improving Nitrogen Fertilizer Management in Surface-Irrigated Cotton

We propose conducting research in central Arizona to compare the common regional practice of N fertigation with knifed N injections in surface-irrigated cotton (i.e., level furrow irrigation). Additio ...

The Response of Crops to Potassium Placement Depth and Band Spacing

The right place for K in summer dominant rainfall areas of northern Australia.

Fertilizer Best Management Practices - CIG Version

These publications are a series prepared by cooperators with the staff of the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI). It is part of a project in cooperation with the Foundation for Agronomic R ...

Fertilizer Best Management Practices (BMPs)

The concept of fertilizer best management practices (BMPs) is not was first introduced almost 20 years ago. Fertilizer BMPs are more important today than ever before and need to be based on a ...

Impact of Rising Nitrogen Prices

Natural gas represents a major portion of the cost of ammonia production, and concern continues about effects on nitrogen (N) fertilizer prices.