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Banana quality and yield affected by optimal rates and of ratios of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers in Guangdong

Differing from many other crops, banana is a crop that needs sufficiently higher amount of potassium (K) than nitrogen (N) to obtain best yield and quality. Besides fertilization rates, the ratio of K ...

Increased times of N splitting at vegetative growth period can advance banana blossom

In a field experiment to test effects of different rates and timings of controlled release urea (CRU) against regular urea (RU) on banana growth, it was observed that the CRU applied in three splits a ...


在广东开展的控施尿素田间试验中,测试了普通尿素与控释尿素不同用量和施用时间对香蕉生长的影响。发现在所有处理中,控释尿素分三次施用香蕉生长速度最快,抽蕾率最高(85%)。对普通尿素来说,在同一时期内缺N处理的抽蕾率为11. 1%,分2次施用处理的抽蕾率为62. 9%,分3次施用处理的抽蕾率为74.



Effect of Controlled-Release Urea on Banana yields in Guangxi

Abstract: Applying controlled-release urea (CRU) to crops with long growing seasons is considered to be an idea practice to reduce times of fertilizer applications and enhance nitrogen use efficiency. ...

Nutrient management for banana in China

Banana, one of the most important subtropical and tropical fruits, mainly grows in the provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Fujian, Yunnan and Taiwan in China. Among the provinces, Guangdong has t ...

IPNI Research Projects - 2010

IPNI Research Project Summaries - 2010 This past year we provided financial and in-kind support to over 100 projects around the world. Our scientists work closely with the researchers and cooperators ...

Balanced Fertilization on Cash Crops in Southwest China

Balanced fertilization on production of high-yield Baxi banana Application technologies of K, Mg and S for the first and second Baxi banana plant were studied. The vegetative growth, floral emergence, ...