21 Sep 2017

Wheat - Potassium

Highest Yield Gaps (> 2 t/ha): India, Krasnodar, Russia
Removal-to-Use range: 0.9 to 2.1 (China vs. Russia)
Partial Factor Productivity range: 128 to 386 (China vs. Krasnodar, Russia)
Fertilizer Gap range: 11,000 t to 1.2 M t (Russia vs China)

Notes on Bubble Charts: Charts project average data calculated for the three-most current years. The size of each bubble corresponds to values of the third data dimension plotted. Bubbles positioned farthest to the denote regions with the largest yield gaps. Bubbles floating to the top are regions with higher application rates.

Partial Nutrient Balance (Removal to Use)
Time series data

Partial Factor Productivity
Time series data

Fertilizer Gap (attainable vs. current)
Time series data